
View Full Program
Program 2019 RoboCup Symposium, 8 July 2019, Sydney, Australia
8:30 - 8:50 Registration Use badge from RoboCup
08:50 - 09:00 Welcome and Greetings
9:00 - 9:50 Keynote 1: A Brief History of RoboCup and a Discussion of the Future Manuela Veloso
9:50 - 10:30 Oral Session 1 2 papers (20 mins each)
Adaptive Walk-Kick on a Bipedal Robot
Pedro Peña and Ubbo Visser
Efficient and Robust 3D Object Reconstruction based on Monocular SLAM with CNN Semantic Segmentation
Thomas Weber, Sergey Triputen and Matthias Raetsch
10:30 - 11:10 Poster Teasers – regular papers 18 posters (< 2 mins each)
11:10 - 12:00 Poster Session 1 + Coffee break (Coffee provided at venue) all posters
12:00 - 13:00 Oral Session 2 3 papers (20 mins each)
ROBO: Robust, Fully Neural Object Detection for Robot Soccer
Márton Szemenyei and Vladimir Estivill-Castro
Utilizing Temporal Information in Deep Convolutional Network for Efficient Soccer Ball Detection and Tracking
Anna Kukleva, Asif Khan, Hafez Farazi and Sven Behnke
Learning to run faster in a humanoid robot soccer environment through reinforcement learning
Miguel Abreu, Luis Paulo Reis and Nuno Lau
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
(Participants organise it themselves at Darling Harbour.)
all posters
14:00 - 14:50 Keynote 2: Creating Robots That See Peter Corke
14:50 - 15:30 Oral Session 3 2 papers (20 mins each)
Neural Semantic Parsing with Token Anonymization for Command Understanding in General Purpose Service Robots
Nick Walker, Yu-Tang Peng and Maya Cakmak
Collision Avoidance for Indoor Service Robots through Multimodal Deep Reinforcement Learning
Francisco Leiva, Kenzo Lobos-Tsunekawa and Javier Ruiz-Del-Solar
15:30 - 16:10 Poster Teasers – development track papers
Poster Teasers – RCF funded projects
11 posters (< 2 mins each)
8 posters (< 2 mins each)
16:10 - 17:00 Poster Session 2 + Coffee break
(Coffee provided at venue)
all posters
17:00 - 17:50 Keynote 3: Robots in the Wild Gamini Dissanayake
17:50 - 18:30 Oral Session 4 2 papers (20 mins each)
Gesture Recognition in RGB Videos Using Human Body Keypoints and Dynamic Time Warping
Pascal Schneider, Raphael Memmesheimer, Ivanna Kramer and Dietrich Paulus
People management framework using a 2D camera for human-robot social interactions
Jacques Saraydaryan, Raphaël Leber and Jumel Fabrice
18:30 – 19:00 Paper awards and closing remarks
19:00 - 20:30 Farewell
(Participants organise it themselves at Darling Harbour.)
Poster Session part 1 (Regular papers)
1 A Review of Robot Rescue Simulation Platforms for Robotics Education
Josie Hughes, Masaru Shimizu and Arnoud Visser
2 High-Frequency Multi Bus Servo and Sensor Communication Using the Dynamixel Protocol
Marc Bestmann, Jasper Güldenstein and Jianwei Zhang
3 YoloSPoC: Recognition of Multiple Object Instances by using Yolo-based Proposals and Deep SPoC-based Descriptors
Patricio Loncomilla and Javier Ruiz-del-Solar
4 Towards Data Driven Development in RoboCup
Heinrich Mellmann, Benjamin Schlotter and Philipp Strobel
5 Cooperative Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning in a 2 Versus 2 Free-Kick Task
Jim Martin Catacora Ocana, Francesco Riccio, Roberto Capobianco and Daniele Nardi
6 A Fast and Stable Omnidirectional Walking Engine for the Nao Humanoid Robot
Mohammadreza Kasaei, Nuno Lau and Artur Pereira
7 JET-Net: Real-Time Object Detection for Mobile Robots
Bernd Poppinga and Tim Laue
8 On the Use of Simulated Future Information for Evaluating Game Situations
Yudai Suzuki and Tomoharu Nakashima
9 Similarity Analysis of Action Trajectories based on Kick Distributions
Takuya Fukushima, Tomoharu Nakashima and Hidehisa Akiyama
10 Modelling and Optimisation of a RoboCup MSL coilgun
Valentin Gies, Thierry Soriano, Christopher Albert and Nicolas Prouteau
11 Estimation of Subjective Evaluation of HRI Performance Based on Objective Behaviors of Human and Robots
Yoshiaki Mizuchi and Tetsunari Inamura
12 A General and Real-Time Ball Detection Approach Using Convolutional Neural Networks
Meisam Teimouri, Mohammad Hossein Delavaran and Mahdi Rezaei
13 A Model-Free Algorithm of Moving Ball Interception by Holonomic Robot Using Geometric Approach
Pavel Makarov, Tolga Yirtici, Nurullah Akkaya, Ersin Aytac, Gorkem Say, Gokhan Burge, Berk Yilmaz and Rahib Abiyev
14 Tell Your Robot What To Do: Evaluation of Natural Language Models for Robot Command Processing
Erick Jesus Romero Kramer, Argentina Ortega Sainz, Alex Mitrevski and Paul G Plöger
15 "Lucy, Take the Noodle Box!": Domestic Object Manipulation Using Movement Primitives and Whole Body Motion
Alex Mitrevski, Abhishek Padalkar, Minh Nguyen and Paul G Plöger
16 Positioning of Active Wheels for Optimal Ball Handling
Maximilian Beuermann, Marie Ossenkopf and Kurt Geihs
17 Analysis of the PSO Parameters for a Robots Positioning System in SSL
Marcos Laureano and Flavio Tonidandel
18 Towards S-NAMO: Socially-aware Navigation Among Movable Obstacles
Benoit Renault, Jacques Saraydaryan and Olivier Simonin
Poster Session part 2 (Development track)
1 Gliders2d: Source Code Base for RoboCup 2D Soccer Simulation League
Mikhail Prokopenko and Peter Wang
2 An Open Source Vision Pipeline Approach for RoboCup Humanoid Soccer
Niklas Fiedler, Hendrik Brandt, Jan Gutsche, Florian Vahl, Jonas Hagge and Marc Bestmann
3 Reusable Specification of State Machines for Rapid Robot Functionality Prototyping
Alex Mitrevski and Paul G Plöger
4 Game-Watching Should be More Entertaining: Real-Time Application of Field-Situation Prediction to a Soccer Monitor
Yudai Suzuki, Takuya Fukushima, Lea Thibout, Tomoharu Nakashima and Hidehisa Akiyama
5 Human Support Robot as Research Platform of Domestic Mobile Manipulator
Takashi Yamamoto, Yutaro Takagi, Akiyoshi Ochiai, Kunihiro Iwamoto, Yuta Itozawa, Yoshiaki Asahara, Yasukata Yokochi and Koichi Ikeda
6 ROS 2 for RoboCup
Marcus M Scheunemann and Sander G van Dijk
7 A JIT Compiler for Neural Network Inference
Felix Thielke and Arne Hasselbring
8 RoboCup@Home-Objects: Benchmarking Object Recognition for Home Robots
Nizar Massouh, Lorenzo Brigato and Luca Iocchi
9 On Field Gesture-based Robot-to-robot Communication with NAO Soccer Players
Valerio Di Giambattista, Mulham Fawakherji, Vincenzo Suriani, Domenico Bloisi and Daniele Nardi
10 A Simulation Platform Design and Kinematics Analysis of MRL-HSL Humanoid Robot
Amir Gholami, Milad Moradi and Majid Majidi
11 Optimization of Robot Movements using Genetic Algorithms and Simulation
Brandon Zahn, Jake Fountain, Trent Houliston, Alexander Biddulph, Stephan Chalup and Alexandre Mendes
Poster Session part 3 (RCF funded projects)
1 Referee Training for RoboCup Soccer Humanoid League
Michael Sattler, Ludovic Hofer and Maike Pätzel
2 Educational Software Framework Supporting Multiple Hardware Systems for RoboCup@Home
Zeng Qingyi and Hu Tianshuai
3 European RoboCup@Home Education Challenge 2019
Luca Iocchi
4 RoboCup@Home Education Outreach Initiative to Australia in Promotion of RoboCup 2019
Jeffrey Too Chuan Tan, Luca Iocchi and Amy Eguchi
5 An Integration of the Open Source Shopping Cart Solution OpenCart in the RoboCup Logistics League
Alexander Ferrein, Nicolas Limpert and Stefan Schiffer
6 Benchmarking Humanoid Robotics - A Workshop to Develop a New RoadMap for the League
Maike Paetzel and Ludovic Hofer
7 Filling the Gap between RCJ Cospace and Virtual Rescue Robot competition
Masaru Shimizu, Fatemeh Pahlevan Aghababa, Amirreza Kabiri, Josie Hughes and Arnoud Visser
8 Workpiece Tracking and Networking Robustness for the Logistics League
Till Hofmann, Ulrich Karras, Tim Niemueller, Mostafa Gomaa, Alain Rohr and Thomas Ulz